Friday, May 26, 2006

A bike, ten rupees, and a life

Oh! did I just decide to write again? this time I will not put up the link. Lets it be true to its name, Oblivious.
My hall t-shirt bears the motto
ATTITUDE if it is to be...
it is up to me.
I didn't buy one, I think I don't have an attitude. This is the life of a grown-up adult, with a righ to vote in democracy, and the right to marry by choice.
Voted, I haven't yet, and marriage is not something of choice. Most of us marry, produce offsprings, to carry forward the human race, carry forward attitude or no attitude. And they discuss at family parties, "Look at Sunny, the same face as his father's, little short though, seems he carries that from his mother."
Can we marry, produce offsprings and save ourselves from carrying it forward? Shit, I am writing crap again.
Attended a lecture today, on some Brane-Model , couldn't manage to put my brain to it, so it started wandering.My guide sat a row ahead, and I wondered that he is such a qualified man, a torchbearer in his field, what does his wife do? This place we live in is 45 minutes away from the main city, which itself is not much of a city actually.
When he married, he too must have had a thought of carrying forward a few certain things, must have sought a wife suitably shouldering upto her spouse. What does she do today? Board the 5:30 pm bus to sit through it for 45 mins n get back grocery, stationary, sweet candies et al?
Is it all?
Could it have been the other way round? That a woman decides to stay in a place far thrown from a city, lavish a life of being renowned, spend summers abroad and expect the man to cooperate and stay there as well, and go for a job too?
I called up at Airtel Customer service at 0200 hrs. Waited for 4 minutes before I could hear a meeky voice speaking in hindi. I barked and cursed and sweared and what not. My outgoing call facility has been disrupted. While the wait was paining me, what pained me more is the melancholic beats n tunes they playe dto make me wait. How could they have possibly gauged what my mind wanted to hear?
I wonder where life is taking me. This month it threw me at a new place, where faces are friendly and unknown (maybe that is why they are friendly). My mind keeps working every minute, every hour till I sit down here and go tap tap tap. Then everything comes to a stand still. I end up writing blogs like this, which I never mean, which I never think of having in my mind, which will possibly remain as the worst souvenier of life lived once upon a time.
I wrote one paragraph which I deleted. I must stop now, before i fall a prey in the hands of my own cruelty.
I stop.